


Forth benchmark and Forth "live-coding"

Carsten Strotmann

In this exibition I will help people with their Forth-Benchmark entries for the "Ultimate Benchmark"

Between the Forth-Benchmark work, I will show some Forth live coding on various retro machines (Atari ST, MS-DOS, …) where people can watch, ask questions and discuss Forth related matters.

Language: German / English


This session will start benchmarking a couple of Forth systems for the Atari ST that currently do not have entries in the Benchmark table .

Later on the session I will try SectorForth →, a 16bit Forth for the 386+ PC that fits into a 512byte bootsector.

After the Forth Workshop, I'll try to implement the non-standard FOR-NEXT loop for VolksForth.

At any time, you can contact me about the Forth Benchmark competition.

The benchmark competition has two goals:

  • provide motivation for the people at VCFe / VCFb (or other Retro meetings) to do some "practical" work on their machine while having the systems on display
  • have fun with the machines

Being precise, accurate or producing meaningful benchmark results is actually not the goal :)

The main goal is: try to get the best possible result while still having fun!


  • any Forth permitted
  • any Machine (Retro machines 15 years and older are preferred)
  • each participant can enter a submission for each combination of Forth-System and Machine with at least three (3) of the Benchmarks from
  • The winner will be drawn at the end of the event out of all submissions
  • the more combinations of Forth systems and retro machines one participant has submitted, the greater is the statistical chance to win

Please send your Benchmark results per mail to or until 17:00 CEST on Sunday 11th October.

There will be price drawing on Sunday during the closing event

My BBB Room

Anwesenheitszeiten / Hours

Day Time
Saturday 10:00 - 12:30 Forth "live-coding" Atari ST benchmarks
Saturday 14:00 - 16:00 Forth Crashcourse Workshop
Saturday 17:00 - 18:00 Sector Forth
Sunday 18:30 - 19:30
Sunday 19:30 - 20:00 Abschluss
forth.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/10/10 13:12 von cstrotm